
This Fire Safety Awareness in Construction course is  designed to improve workers awareness of fire hazards in construction and the role workers play in fire safety. 

The aim is to reduce the risk of fires on site and promote the protection of life and property.

Although the course makes reference to UK regulations, the information provided would be useful to anyone aiming to improve their knowledge of construction fire safety, it's associated risks and control measures.

Note: This course should not be deemed suitable and sufficient as a Fire Risk Assessment Course or Fire Marshals Course. These courses are under development.

Why take this Course?


Each year there are hundreds of fires on construction sites, potentially putting the lives of workers and members of the public at risk. 

Fire safety in construction is about preventing fires from starting and ensuring people's safety if they do.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Regulation 32 Fire detection and fire-fighting

(1) Where necessary in the interests of the health or safety of a person on a construction site, suitable and sufficient fire-fighting equipment and fire detection and alarm systems must be provided and located in suitable places.

(2) The matters in regulation 30(2) must be taken into account when making provision under paragraph (1).

(3) Fire-fighting equipment or fire detection and alarm systems must be examined and tested at suitable intervals and properly maintained.

(4) Fire-fighting equipment which is not designed to come into use automatically must be easily accessible.

(5) Each person at work on a construction site must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be instructed in the correct use of fire-fighting equipment which it may be necessary for the person to use.

(6) Where a work activity may give rise to a particular risk of fire, a person must not carry out work unless suitably instructed.

(7) Fire-fighting equipment must be indicated by suitable signs.

What you should know - Learning Outcomes

Everyone involved with construction work should have a fundamental understanding of the following:

1 - Awareness of the nature of fire and fire hazards

2 - Legal requirements and responsibilities

3 - How to reduce the risk of fires occurring

4 - Know what fire safety arrangements should be in place

5 - What action to take in an emergency.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction and guidance from your course tutor: Andrew Protheroe MSc MSc CMIOSH

  • 2

    Free Downloads and Useful links to further information

    • Additional Items - Downloads: PCR Construction Fire Safety Tool Box Talk & Fire Evacuation and Escape Checklist; HSE Fire related download

    • Useful links to further information

  • 3

    Module 1: Background (introduction to fire safety)

    • Module 1: Background (introduction to fire safety)

    • Module 1: Assessment

    • End of Module 1

  • 4

    Module 2: Fire hazards in construction

    • Module 2: Fire hazards in construction

    • Timber Frame Construction

    • Module 2: Assessment

    • End of Module 2

  • 5

    Module 3: Prevention and protection

    • Module 3.1: Prevention

    • Assessment: Module 3.1

    • Module 3.2: Protection

    • Emergency Routes and Lighting (from L153)

    • Assessment: Module 3.2

    • End of Module 3

  • 6

    Module 4: Emergency action

    • Module 4: Emergency action

    • Assessment Module 4

    • End of Module 4

  • 7

    Module 5: Roles and responsibilities

    • Module 5: Roles and responsibilities

    • Assessment: Module 5

    • End of Module 5

  • 8

    Module 6: 2022 - What's new?

    • 2022 - What's new? Building Safety Act and Building Safety Regulator

    • 2022 - What's new? National Construction Products Regulator

    • 2022 - What's new? New roles & responsibilities

    • Final Assessment: Module 6

    • End of Module 6

Who is the training for?

Everyone involved in construction activities has a legal responsibility to manage the associated health risks from fire. 

This Fire Awareness in Construction course is designed for anyone whose work involves construction, including:

  • Designers and principal designers
  • Contractors and principal contractors
  • Small builders
  • Employers
  • Managers and supervisors
  • Employees
  • DIY enthusiasts 

What can I expect?

Narrated delivery

The course is presented by Andrew Protheroe MSc MSc CMIOSH DipNEBOSH EnvDipNEBOSH using the PCR Global 'Blackboard'

Relevant Videos

Vetted information

Information from the HSE.

Free downloads

We simply want to give you more for less. 

We have included a FREE Tool Box Talk, Hot Works Permit, and Fire Evacuation and Escape Checklist you can download and make specific to use for your own situation: 

1 - Fire Safety in Construction Tool Box Talk

2 - Fire Evacuation and Escape Checklist

Adapted from CITB.

3 - Hot Works Permit

Adapted from the CITB.

4 - Fire Evacuation Procedure

Immediate certificate

On successful completion you will be able to download your certificate.


We pride ourselves on the support we provide those who trust us with their learning journey. 

At any time during your training you can gain access to technical support for IT or on the subject of construction fire safety itself. 

In the first instance, you can email or call Andrew Collins on: 

e: [email protected]

m: +44 7962 180459

An introduction to yourFire Safety Safety Awareness in Construction Training Team: 


  • What internet browser do I need to run the course?

    We recommend using Chrome or Firefox on a desktop for best results. However, all of the following are compatible: Desktop: - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - Microsoft Edge Mobile: - iOS Safari: 11 and up - Chrome - Samsung Internet NOTE: We DO NOT support Internet Explorer.

  • Do I need any previous training to take this course?

    No. No prior knowledge or training is required.

  • How long will this course take?

    Most people will complete this course in 1hr 30 minutes.

  • Can the course be tailored to my workplace?

    Yes. At PCR we suggest that courses are tailored. We can use your own fire safety documentation within the presentation, and you can receive your certificate with your company logo on it.

  • Will I get a certificate from my study?

    Yes. Once you pass all the Modules, you will be able to download your certificate immediately.

  • How long will my certificate last?

    There is no regulated set time for the renewal of fire awareness courses, but given the risks of fire in construction, we have added a 24-month expiry date.

Why choose PCR Global as your training partner?

Our aim is to provide realistic training, with additional content, for less money, and with better support.

We know how busy you are. Our material is not padded out with content you do not need to know.

We are not a faceless organisation. If you want to speak to us, we welcome your call.

Our delivery is our own. We are not providing actors or training developed by someone else and making money off the back of it. This means we can keep the material up-to-date and your costs lower.

Can I tailor the course to my company specific needs? 

YES. We really recommend this!

1 - Demonstrate Leadership: 

Your Managing Director or Health and Safety Manager etc. can provide a video introduction to send the message direct to the workforce. 

Here, Stephen Euston the Managing Director of Manning Construction Limited introduces the Asbestos Awareness Course (the same can be done for the Construction Dust Awareness course) as part of their MATS (mandatory annual training scheme) - 6 courses produced for Manning Construction by the PCR Training Team.

2 - Evidence 'Beyond Compliance':

Producing robust, tailored, risk based in-house certificates as part of your training program will assist during your ISO, Achilles, CHAS etc. audits. 

3 - Reduce Costs:

We can reduce the cost further if you purchase multiple licenses.

Further Course Information


This course is intended to furnish you with the knowledge to understand the risks and identify the control measures with regard to fire safety in construction


Most people complete this course in around 1hr 30 minutes.

Certificate Expiry: 

The certificate issued for this course will expire 2 years from the date of successful completion.

For technical support and guidance

Please email [email protected] or call Andrew on +44 (0)7962 180459

The PCR Global Fire Safety in Construction Course

Built by those that do, for those that do.

  • Providing you more

    We have included 4 FREE documents (1) Construction Fire Safety Tool Box Talk (2) Fire Evacuation and Escape Checklist (3) Hot Works Permit (4) Fire Evacuation Procedure. These can be annotated to your specific situation - this saves you a great deal of time and effort.

  • Relevant and up to date content

    Our material follows the most up-to-date guidance. You will not be provided with information that is purely there to 'pad out' the content. We know how busy you are.

  • Competent support

    Your personal Construction Fire Safety Awareness Training Team are here to help before, during and after your training. If you have any queries you will only speak to knowledgeable consultants and trainers.