
Whats the Course about?

This Manual Handling Awareness Course course is designed to raise awareness of the hazards associated with manual handling in construction work, and the practical steps that can be taken to avoid and minimise the risks that it presents.

Why is manual handling important?

UK HSE: "Despite a general downward trend, estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show: The total number of cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2019/20 was 480,000, a prevalence rate of 1,420 per 100,000 workers. 

These comprised 212,000 cases where the upper limbs or neck was affected, 176,000 where the back was affected and 93.000 where the lower limbs were affected."

What do employers have to do?

UK HSE: "Employers must protect workers from the risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) being caused or made worse by work. MSDs include injuries and conditions that can affect the back, joints and limbs. You:

  • can do things to prevent or minimise the risk of your workers (and others who may be affected by what they do) developing MSDs
  • cannot prevent all MSDs, so early reporting of symptoms, proper treatment and suitable rehabilitation are essential

The parts of the body most likely to be affected by MSDs are:

  • the lower back
  • shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands, as well as the neck
  • the hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet

Workers can have different kinds of MSDs at the same time." 


Why choose PCR Global as your training partner?

Our aim is to provide realistic training, with additional content, for less money, and with better support.

We know how busy you are. Our material is not padded out with content you do not need to know.

We are not a faceless organisation. If you want to speak to us, we welcome your call.

Our delivery is our own. We are not providing actors or training developed by someone else and making money off the back of it. This means we can keep the material up-to-date and your costs lower.

Who is the training for?

Everyone involved in construction activities has a legal responsibility to manage hazards and the requirements of the manual handling regulations. 

This training is designed for:

  • Site Managers 
  • Site operatives
  • Health and safety officers, and
  • anyone who may have the requirement to undertake manual handling.

What can I expect?

Narrated delivery

The course is presented by Phil Parry GradIOSH using the PCR Global 'Blackboard'

Sample content below:

Module 1 - What is manual handling? The size of the problem in construction

Module 2 - Health matters: Injuries and ill-health from manual handling

(Drawing above: Phil Parry PCR Global)

Module 3 - Responsibilities: For the employer and employee

Module 4 - Reducing the risk: Principles and practices

Module 5 - Safe handling: Techniques and guidance

End of Module Questions

HSE Case Studies

Further information - Safe handling: Techniques and guidance


The UK HSE (Health and Safety Executive) provide the following guidance for manual handling training which PCR Global fully endorse. 

"Training can be important in raising awareness and reducing risk, but it won't ensure safe manual handling on its own

You should first design the manual handling operations to be as safe as reasonably practicable. You should also monitor and review procedures to make sure workers understand and apply them.

Training should be relevant to the type of work carried out and should cover:

  • manual handling risk factors and how injuries can happen
  • how to use mechanical aids
  • how to carry out safe manual handling, including good handling techniques
  • systems of work relevant to the worker's tasks and environment
  • practical work so the trainer can identify anything the trainee is not doing safely and put it right

The content of any training in good handling technique should be tailored to the tasks the workers carry out."

We have provided a two page Practical Assessment record sheet to assist manual handling observation/assessment that can be done at the point of work by a competent person.

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Checklist

UK HSE: "A suitable and sufficient risk assessment is required when hazardous manual handling cannot be avoided. The assessment should identify where the risk of injury lies and identify appropriate ways to reduce that risk. 

A checklist can help with this process by helping you to systematically examine all the possible risk elements. Involving  employee and safety representatives in the risk assessment process is a highly effective way of identifying hazards and developing solutions that work. 

The Appendix in L23 Manual handling includes more information on choosing the right level of detail for your manual handling risk assessment – you may not need to carry out a full risk assessment."


On successful completion you will be able to download your certificate.


We pride ourselves on the support we provide those who trust us with their learning journey. 

At any time during your training you can gain access to technical support for IT or on the subject of manual handling itself. 

In the first instance, you can email or call Andrew Collins on: 

e: [email protected]

m: +44 7962 180459

An introduction to your Construction Dust Awareness Training Team: 

Can I tailor the course to my company specific needs?

YES!!. We really recommend this!

1 - Demonstrate Leadership: 

Your Managing Director or Health and Safety Manager etc. can provide a video introduction to send the message direct to the workforce. 

Here, Stephen Euston the Managing Director of Manning Construction Limited introduces the Asbestos Awareness Course as part of their MATS (mandatory annual training scheme) - 6 courses produced for Manning Construction by the PCR Training Team.

2 - Evidence 'Beyond Compliance':

Producing robust, tailored, risk based in-house certificates as part of your training program will assist during your ISO, Achilles, CHAS etc. audits. 

3 - Reduce Costs:

We can reduce the cost further if you purchase multiple licenses.


  • Do I need any previous training to take this course?

    No. No prior knowledge or training is required.

  • What internet browser do I need to run the course?

    We recommend using Chrome or Firefox on a desktop for best results. However, all of the following are compatible: Desktop: - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - Microsoft Edge Mobile: - iOS Safari: 11 and up - Chrome - Samsung Internet NOTE: We DO NOT support Internet Explorer.

  • How long will this course take?

    Most people will complete this course in 45mins to 1hr.

  • Will I get a certificate from my study?

    Yes. Once you pass all the Modules, you will be able to download your certificate immediately.

  • How long will my certificate last?

    There is no recognised set time for renewal, but given the importance of manual handling we have added a 12-month expiry date.