• Can a bundle be divided between multiple learners?

    Unfortunately not. Each bundle can only be allocated to a single individual. If you require multiple learners to complete different courses, we are however more than happy to assist with each being enrolled onto the required course(s).

  • What internet browser do I need to run the course?

    We recommend using Chrome or Firefox on a desktop for best results. However, all of the following are compatible: Desktop: - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - Microsoft Edge Mobile: - iOS Safari: 11 and up - Chrome - Samsung Internet NOTE: We DO NOT support Internet Explorer.

  • Do I need any previous training to take this course?

    No. No prior knowledge or training is required.

  • How long will this course take?

    Each course is different: - Abrasive wheels - around 1hr 30 minutes - Asbestos Awareness - around 1hr 30 minutes - Construction Dust - around 45 minutes - Dealing with Spills - around 1hr - Ladder Safety Awareness - around 1hr 30 minutes - Manual Handling - around 1hr

  • Can the course be tailored to my workplace?

    Yes. At PCR we suggest that courses are tailored. At additional cost to be agreed, we can use your safety documentation within the presentation, and you can receive your certificate with your company logo on it.

  • Will I get a certificate from my study?

    Yes. Once you pass all the Modules of each course, you will be able to download your certificates immediately.

  • How long will my certificate's last?

    There is no regulated set time for the renewal of the courses, but given the risks of working in construction, we have added a 12-month expiry date to each course.

Built by those that do, for those that do.

  • Providing you more

    We have included multiple FREE documents throughout these courses which are designed to save you time - simply edit with your company logo and information.

  • Relevant and up to date content

    Our material follows up-to-date guidance. You will not be provided with information that is purely there to 'pad out' the content. We know how busy you are.

  • Competent support

    The PCR Training Team are here to help before, during and after your training. If you have any queries you will only speak to knowledgeable consultants and trainers.